  • Forever KirkForever Kirk
  • Date:  14 May 2013
  • Daily Style

Life Is So Unexpected

You plan and you plan but things dont always go as planned. Yesterday and today has been a journey for me. I am looking forward to getting my degree but there were road blocks put in the way of that.
Today I may have over come them.

PS My Pics came out so great I had to pick more than four. I just love these days BTW!

Cardigan: Polo Shirt: American Eagle Jeans: Eddie Bauer Shoes: Converse

Maybe I need to start taking my photos early so they can come out like this. I am so happy about my PHOTOS.

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1 Comment

  • Anthony Thomas
    3:21 pm 15 May 2013

    ☆★☆★You know im very proud of you about school!! ☆★☆★☆
    It's good to see you in Jeans btw.

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