  • Forever KirkForever Kirk
  • Date:  23 April 2013
  • Uncategorized

You Never Know Who’s Looking

So as the days by it gets more real. I have a long way to go on this journey. I was recently nominated for the Liebester Award by a fellow up and coming blogger like myself. I have to say thank you for Lady Morgan for even checking out my blog. To be honest I never though anyone beside Fashionista Next Door, Priiincesss and two others were checking out my blog.

Fashion: Shirt: Aeropostale  Shorts: Eddie Bauer Shoes: Old Navy

  1. What made you to start a blog? Name three blogs that you love to read. Because my bff started a Personal Style blog . So I went looking for male personal style blogs and couldn’t find one I decided to start my own. Fashionista Next Door, Priiincesss, Dejon Marquise.
  2.  Which celebrity’s style do you admire the most? Kanye, Miguel, A$AP
  3.  Which fashion trend do you dislike the most? Baggy Jeans & Oversized T-Shirts 
  4. Which fashion trends are you most interested in trying? Foral Pattern
  5. Name two of your favorite places to shop. Old Navy & Thrift Store
  6. If you weren’t a fashion/style blogger, what other topics would you blog about? FOOD lol!
  7.  What is your favorite dish to make? Rice
  8. Which movie do you enjoy for fashion inspiration? None
  9. What is your best fashion advice for someone trying to redefine his or her style on a budget? Thrift Store is your best friend and it works for any budget. 
  10. What is your best advice to newbie bloggers? Find your style and your voice early on it helps define you.
Thanks: Lady Morgan 
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